Getting older? Let’s get stronger together

Getting older? Let’s get stronger together

What should we be looking out for as we age? Mobility, mobility mobility.

Let’s look after our ability to move. We must move as we age. If we can’t move freely we’re more likely to injure or fall. If we’re injured we can’t exercise, so muscle loss may creep in. The aim is to stay injury free for as long as possible.

How so?
Move more in everyday life, outside of our designated exercise time. Get off the bus a stop early or swap a short tube commute for a cycle. Unlike strength training there’s an inverse relationship between mobility and aging; we need to invest more weekly time to maintain mobility as we age, so ring fencing time for a mobility focused workout will also help.

How much?
For every decade we’re alive invest in one 20 minute session a week. So if you’ve racked up 30 exceptional years of living, aim for 3 sessions of mobility a week. If that’s a struggle extend your warm-up and cool down to incorporate stretching before your HIIT or strength session. Or simply make time for classes that put your mobility first. Find classes on our platform today.


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