Not making progress with your fitness goals? Try making these 3 shifts

Not making progress with your fitness goals? Try making these 3 shifts

If you’ve taken yoga classes with BUA, you may have heard us say that anyone can do advanced yoga poses. Many poses that seem “impossible” are within reach, if you practice the right movements consistently, allowing yourself the time to build the required strength and flexibility.

You may not care about doing fancy yoga poses, but if you’re reading this, you’re likely struggling to hit a fitness or wellness  goal – whether it’s achieving your first pull up, hitting a new PB on your favourite running route, or losing a few kilos.

Maybe you’re struggling to stay on track or are unsure if you’re following the right regime. Maybe on some level you think your goal is destined for others who are naturally stronger than you.

We want to share a story with you about our yoga partner, Simone Topel.

Not long ago, Simone held her first comfortable handstand for 15 seconds. When Simone did her first teacher training back in 2017, she couldn’t kick both feet up to a wall, let alone balance. Simone remembers feeling intimidated and VERY far from her goal.

“I’ll be honest with you. I didn’t make progress on this goal for years.” Simone

However, when she made the shifts we are about to share with you, everything changed. Apply them to any goal of yours that feels overwhelming or out of reach.

  • Get inspired

Don’t underestimate this. It’s important to find other people who you relate to who have achieved the progress you desire. When you see other people – just like you – who have hit the kind of goal you’re striving for, it will help you believe that it is possible for you too, fuelling you with motivation and self-belief.

  • Break your goal down into actionable, measurable steps and milestones 

If you don’t know what steps to take, or are unsure if you’re following the right regime, who can you turn to for support? There is a coach, teacher, or resource out there who can help; find them! Also, ensure to break your goal down into mini-goals, or measurable milestones to track your small wins over time. For example, if you’re looking to hit a particular running time, track your times each time you run.

  • Keep acting and doing the work even if you don’t see progress right away

This is normal! Your efforts accumulate over time, so keep going, stay consistent and trust in the process.

As always, stay fit, happy, and healthy! 


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