The 7 best-selling outdoor classes June 22 – 28



The 7 best-selling outdoor classes June 22 – 28

A run-down of unmissable classes outdoors this week. Class sizes are maxed at 5 people and social distancing is enforced. Masks welcome. Air based high fives welcome too.

Monday 22nd June – The Monument Circuit Circus – 06:30 – 07:30

Calling all early birds in the city. Join for a circuit based, sweat drenched workout in the middle of town. An insane setting, right next to the monstrous Monument monument (!) Bring your phone to pap pap pap this location as it is beauts. 
A brilliant BUA trainer will take you through your paces.

Tuesday 23rd June – Evening Bootcamp No.1 – 17:30 – 18:15

Fairfield Park, Kingston
A masterclass that hits the core, enhances your running mojo, and improves your overall fitness.Dedicated to boosting endorphins, bootys, and banishing the Tuesday blues.

Coach Saima of Sunday Brunch C4 fame leads the pack with a class in Kingston. The go-to girl for outdoor bootcamps, self-improvement coaching, and transformative fitness.

Wednesday 24th June – Power Vinyasa Yoga Flow – 12:30 – 13:30

Hurlingham Park, Fulham
Yoga for all. This is the perfect class if you’re dripping your toe in the yoga pond this week. Expect spines to be re-aligned, necks soothed, and limbs stretched. Afterward you’ll feel like you’ve just had an all over massage. Warm, rested and fresh.

Carola Chiarpenello. A dynamo of yogic knowledge, brimming with a positive mindset. Her ability to move your body in unprecedented ways will win you over.

Thursday 25th June – Sunrise Yoga – 07:45 – 08:45

An hour of early morning bliss to yourself. Be up and exercising before the city wakes and you’ll be ahead all day. A class that resets your mind and body so you can start over if you need to.  

Petra Sikulova. If sunshine was embodied in a person, Petra would be it. One part yogi, one part life inspirator.

Friday 26th June – HIIT Workshop On The Boardwalk – 12:30 – 13:30

Old Billingsgate Walk
A new class which is becoming a firm fave with the city dwellers. A total body blast choreographed to cover resistance and endurance, conditioning, cardio and stretch set alongside the Thames.

A BUA trainer will blast this Billingsgate challenge with you.

Saturday 27th June – Morning Step Challenge 10:30 – 11:30

Crystal Palace
London’s answer to the famed Santa Monica steps in the sunny hills of LA. This is outdoor interval training for all on the stairs of Crystal Palace Park. A sell-out success that might have something to do with the old adage of accomplishing something one step at a time. 
Sarah Adkin will be chasing you up and down with her non-stop enthusiasm for fitness outdoors.  

Sunday 28th June – Booty & Core Yoga – 09:00 – 09:40

Victoria Park
A session to perk up the butts of the office workers. Smash that day-in day-out sedentary lifestyle and get the derriere you deserve whilst defending the core from softness.

Sophie, yoga teacher to the city slickers whilst trading equities herself.

You can book into these classes, and loads online, here.
As always, stay fit and healthy.


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