Eat clean, train mean, and be a happy bean

Eat clean, train mean, and be a happy bean

Our friends over at PRESS are specialists in all things nutrition. From fiery ginger shots (our fave!), immunity boosting cleanses, diet plans, to rapid detox packs, they have your winter health all wrapped up. During lock down 1.0 and the supermarket apocalypse they became London’s savior when they launched next day home delivery of handpicked healthy groceries.

BUA and PRESS are huge advocates of enjoying your body and using it any way you can.

Baz Luhrman summed it up succinctly,

“Don’t be afraid of it or what other people think of it. It’s the greatest instrument you’ll ever own.”

Baz was bang on.

Feeling good under your own hood is all about boosting endorphins via exercise and fuelling your frame with the food it craves. Both things must be in balance to get your mindset and muscles working just as they should.

Most of us need an impetus to change our lifestyles, sometimes it’s a new job, or a new beau. For others, it is simply the realisation of the terrifyingly quick ticking away of time. January, more so than any other month, embodies this, even champions it. Goodbye old year, hello new. Maybe you make new year resolutions to quaff less champers, to ditch bad habits, or start new unashamedly virtuous ones.

You are not alone. The top 3 resolutions for the Brits are health-based promises. 47% of us vow to exercise more. 44% want to lose weight and 41% vote to spruce up diets. 

With this in mind, BUA and PRESS health foods have united to rocket fuel your January 2021. Like Doc and Marty, this iconic duo will help you predict your future by fuelling your present. Couple a PRESS juice or soup cleanse with a fleet of BUA classes for a 360 body and mind overhaul.

Why A PRESS Cleanse?

A cleanse is sure fire way to appreciate what your body is capable of and understand how influential your diet is on your health, energy levels, and happiness.


Everything you need is in your fridge, on tap. There’s no need to shop, cook, clean or prepare. You’ll also hit your daily recommended fruit and vegetable quota easily.


75% of us are chronically dehydrated. We can’t concentrate, we’re irritable, and tired. By cutting out caffeine and alcohol and embarking on a cleanse you’ll experience sky high hydration that improves the metabolism and memory power whilst making the skin glow.


Cleanses reset your palate, gut, and mindset. Expect a reduction in bad cravings and a weird taste in your mouth when you next scoff chocolate or anything rich in processed ingredients. Re-teach your body what it really wants.

Clear That Conscience

Choose a plant-based blast and know that you’re entering a more sustainable and humane branch of the food chain. PRESS also donate their surpluses to food banks and their bottles are sustainably produced.

Weight Loss 

A cleanse is naturally low in calories whilst brimming full of the nutrients your body needs to perform. Most notably your salt intake will be reduced leading to benefits in blood pressure and heart health.

Mood Enhancing

Experience fewer lows and more consistent highs as your body is flooded with the right vitamins. Couple that with deeper sleep and you’ll wake up happy.

Rest That Liver & Promote Gut Health

Whilst cleansing you’ll be less inclined to drink alcohol so the liver can take a vacation and re-charge without basting in booze. Your gut health is inexplicably linked to your mental health and vice versa, so enhance both with PRESS probiotics to maintain healthy gut flora and to beat the bloat.

Discover Intolerances

The majority of PRESS cleanses eliminate dairy, wheat, gluten, red meat, and fermented foods from your diet. It’s high time to discover what your body really doesn’t need nor like. Once you start to re-introduce foods back into your regime, you’ll discover what foods are wreaking havoc. 

With 2020 nearly behind us let’s throw out the old and welcome the new. 12 new chapters. 365 new chances.

As always, stay fit and healthy.

Ginger shots for all


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