5 Fantastic reasons to jump on the bounce class craze

5 Fantastic reasons to jump on the bounce class craze

Rebounding is another word for jumping on a mini trampoline, sometimes also known as a rebounder. It’s wildly popular throughout the States because of the weightlessness it evokes and the throwback you get to being a kid again. This sort of effortless, playful exercise is the sort of activity that’ll keep you coming back for more.

Why else is bouncing a top BUA class?

– It’s a low-impact activity so easy on the joints, making it suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels. 

– Rebounding is also a great rehabilitation exercise and as a stop-gap between more high-impact workouts. 

– A full-body workout. Rebounding engages the muscles in your legs, core, and upper body. 

– A great booster for heart health, your strength, co-ordination and balance. 

– Bust your stress. Replace stress with feel-good endorphins. 

Jump into rebounding classes today with Sarah Aarons:

As always, stay fit, happy, and healthy!


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