How exercise supports immunity



How exercise supports immunity

Here at BUA, we like to keep our immune system in check to keep us fighting fit and energetic. The immune system is actually our defence system that gets activated to help protect us from disease. As the seasons change and the nights get darker and colder, it’s never been more important to keep immunity supported so that we can stay energised and stick to our training routines.

Triggers to the immune system can be anything from the common cold, to poor gut health due to unhealthy diet choices, to excessive boozing and even your household cleaning products. Having a constant exposure to pathogens, toxins and chemical substances can bring your immune system into overdrive leading to allergic reactions, irritations, headaches, gut issues and lack of immune resilience.

Proactively managing and supporting your immune system by reducing these triggers can help to improve both your physical and mental health as well as your wellbeing placing your body in an overall stronger position to respond to attacks. Staying well and supporting a healthy immune system is also one our best defences against viruses of which a few are lurking about these days. 

Move it but don’t overdo it

To be immunologically fit, you need to be physically fit. Moderate exercise mobilises your immune system by increasing blood flow, so that it can get to work in guarding the body against infection. As well as that, cold temperatures stimulate immunity and energy levels – so get yourselves to your BUA outdoor classes, even if its chilly, science says it’s good for you.

However, try not to overdo it, as too much exercise depletes your immune system. Exercise stimulates cortisol, our stress hormone, which when produced excessively can dampen immunity. So, try to find the perfect balance for your body that includes at least 1 rest day a week. Dynamic yoga styles such as ashtanga (all offered on BUA) are also wonderful as they promote strength and flexibility but also yoga works magically on calming and de-stressing the mind which all helps to keep you fighting fit as well as super chilled.

Hi, I’m Healthy Mays and I’m a registered nutritionist and certified yoga, breathwork and meditation teacher. I work with clients to help them achieve their health goals via 1-1 nutrition support and I have been featured in publications such as Women’s Health, Health & Wellbeing and Bella.

You can find all my offerings and contact me via my BUA FIT profile.

I’d love to help you reach your goals. Healthy Mays x


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