Nutrition workshops – for a healthier workforce

Nutrition workshops – for a healthier workforce

Corporate wellness is something that’s becoming more and more popular with businesses across the United Kingdom, due to the fact that healthier, more energized employees are typically more productive and happier. At BUA FIT, we offer a wide range of online and outdoor fitness programs to meet this need.

However, physical fitness is only part of the equation, which is why our corporate wellness offerings also focus on nutrition. With this in mind, we recently put on an employee nutrition workshop for a major enterprise client and it was exceptionally well received, with 57 attending saying they got a lot out of it.

Educating clients about body nutrition

During this nutrition workshop, we delivered a presentation and a Q & A which over ran by 45 minutes. We covered macros, fats, protein, carbohydrates, food labels, activity levels, AWH and adjusting ratios to name a few topics. Employees were able to quiz our corporate wellness  experts on the finer details of body nutrition. We also covered some of the many common misconceptions that exist about what kind of foods should be eaten, as well as the fact that the needs of one person might be different to another.

Psychology plays a big part in the foods people choose to eat and our team provided some guidance on how to make the right choices in their everyday lives. The fact is that a healthy lifestyle includes eating the right things, with fitness complementing the benefits provided by a balanced, nutritious diet.

Embracing nutrition as part of overall wellness

Corporate wellness programs that focus on fitness can be hugely beneficial, but their overall effectiveness can be taken to the next level when it’s backed up by great nutrition. Eating correctly helps to reduce body fat, energize the body and mind while making people feel better and more confident about themselves.

Despite all the work that goes into raising awareness into the benefits of a healthy diet, studies have shown that as few as 4 out of every 10 of us has a healthy, balanced diet. Outdoor fitness programs  are fantastic for vitality, wellness and even sociability, but they work so much better when all that effort isn’t undone by a poor diet.

So, why not book your team for an enjoyable and rewarding corporate wellness program along with a nutrition workshop for a full 360-degree experience? Your employees and your bottom line stand to benefit greatly as a result.

360° corporate wellness training

At BUA FIT, we offer bespoke corporate wellness programs that are designed to meet your exact requirements. Delivered either online or in person, getting started is easy, as all it requires is for you to get in touch and tell us about your needs.

If you’d like to know more about our 360° corporate wellness service, simply visit us at BUA for your business and book in a call with our wellness team.

As always, stay fit, happy, and healthy.


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