Sound baths allow your brain to relax

Sound baths allow your brain to relax

Sound (or gong) bath mediations dates back to ancient cultures where they use sound from the gong as a healing device.  

Although it’s not a bubbly bathtub of hot water. Gong baths are a type of inactive meditation, where you “bathe” in the healing vibrations of sound. 

Records of using gongs have surfaced from as early as ancient Egyptian, Greek, and Roman times.  

The sound bath seeks to use this instrument’s healing properties to bring calmness, relaxation and peace – both physical (pain relief) and mental (emotional relief) to participants.  

Today, sound baths translate this rich history into a modern meditative context.  

Sessions last between 45 minutes and 2 hours; “bathers” will lie down in a comfortable position, while a session leader, or facilitator, gently fills the room with the sounds of a gong.  

This sense of immersion is what gives the practice its name. In the same way that sleep boosts wellbeing, this practice can make you calmer, more balanced and less anxious. By encouraging positive brain wave states, we can promote feelings of relaxation, positivity and awareness. 

Benefits Of a Sound Bath? 

Anyone who has listened to a favourite song to help lift themselves out of a low mood knows about the restorative power of sound. 

Various scientific studies have proven the positive mental and physical health benefits of music; that music therapy can reduce symptoms of depression and improve well-being. 

The altered states of consciousness or heightened awareness promoted by sound baths can be deeply relaxing, even trance-like, and the practice can also boost feelings of creativity, positivity, and a desire for personal growth, according to advocates. 

How Do Sound Baths Work? 

The positive reports from sound bath participants might sound convincing, but how exactly does the practice produce these effects? 

Well, a lot of it is related to brain waves, and the relationship between music, sound, and the brain. 

Sound baths allow your brain to relax into what’s known as ‘alpha-dominant’ and theta-dominant’ brain wave states. These are restorative states which allow your brain to store and process the events and experiences of a day. 

In the same way that sleep boosts wellbeing, this practice can make you calmer, more balanced and less anxious. By encouraging positive brain wave states, we can promote feelings of relaxation, positivity and awareness. 

Would you like to book into a sound bath seminar? If so, register on our platform and stay tuned.

As always, stay fit, happy and healthy!


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