Want to attract top talent? Offer corporate wellness benefits!

Want to attract top talent? Offer corporate wellness benefits!

As a business, you want to attract the best talent available. So, you offer the best salaries, opportunities for advancement, and bonuses. However, if you’re not offering some kind of corporate wellness program to your team as well, you could be making the job of attracting the best people around that much harder.

These kinds of perks are highly regarded by professionals in the modern world, leading to 87% of UK employees saying they consider the health & wellness offerings before choosing who to work for. So, whether you want to attract people or retain them – it’s the way to go!

It Takes More These Days to Attract & Retain the Right People

No matter how big or small a company is, you’ll still face challenges when it comes to hiring and keeping good people. No longer are applicants happy to settle for just any job, meaning that the traditional talent acquisition and retention approach is no longer sufficient.

Your company needs to be seen as competitive, which means providing some kind of corporate wellness program. 9 out of 10 companies now provide some kind of wellness offering, so you’re not going to appeal to the very best if you don’t.

The best talent, particularly when talking about younger employees, aren’t just after a good salary anymore, as they’re now expecting a strong company culture that includes:

  • Flexible working arrangements
  • A focus on workplace diversity
  • Recognition & acknowledgement
  • Resources that focus on well-being
  • Alignment to the culture and values of the company

The newest generations of talent have a clear idea of what they want, and work-life balance and happiness rank highly on the list of requirements. If you want to be in their thinking when choosing who to work for, these elements are now more important than ever.

What Does a Good Wellness Program Include?

The best available corporate wellness programs in London are those that offer something for everyone. While high-intensity options may be perfect for some employees, they won’t suit all your employees, so you’ll see a range of options being offered, such as…

  • Classes for fit and active people – like HIIT training, boxing, trampolining & Zumba
  • Classes for weight loss – bodyweight bootcamps & cardio options
  • Classes for Mums – pre/postnatal classes
  • Classes for flexibility – yoga, barre & pilates
  • Classes for the mind – meditation
  • Classes for diet – nutrition workshops
  • Classes for remote working – online model
  • Classes for employees missing the workout– prerecorded solutions
  • Classes for convenience – the best wellness partners coming into your office
  • Classes to support your long term health– outdoor fitness in iconic London locations

The great thing about offering these kinds of services to your employee is that they do far more than make your employees want to work with you and stay with you. Corporate wellness classes also make your workforce healthier, more productive, and less prone to taking sick days. Whichever way you look at it, it’s a win-win.

Let BUA FIT Help You Attract Good People

At BUA FIT, our bespoke wellness programs can be designed to meet your business’s precise needs and can be enjoyed on a contracted or pay-as-you-go basis. Delivered either in-person at some of London’s most iconic outdoor spaces or online, we offer the full range of classes to suit everyone’s needs fully – including all activities mentioned above and more!

To find out more about how we can help you enjoy all the benefits of corporate wellness programs, come and talk with a friendly member of our team who can answer all your questions.

As always, stay fit, happy, and healthy.


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