5 tips to set micro goals

5 tips to set micro goals

2021 offers us all a much-needed light at the end of the tunnel. With more time on our hands for the start of this year, you might want to spend more time on you – whether it’s reading books, baking, or looking after #1. 

Many start the year with certain goals they want to achieve. Did you know that around one quarter of people give up their resolutions just one week into the new year, whilst fewer than one in 10 will maintain their goal right through the year. 

Here’s what you can do to maintain your goals for longer than most people:

Have a focus

It’s very each to pinpoint numerous goals, and try and make them all happen, but that’s not easy! Pick one goal, and focus on that. Whether it’s weight loss, arm toning, or core strength, plan your goals around one specific area. When you’re at the maintenance stage, that’s great – you’ve formed a habit which you’re far less likely to break, and you can move on to achieving other goals. 

Be You. No-one else. 

For every gorgeous, toned image of an Instagram model you see every day, they took 20 other photos where they weren’t happy with the angle, the slight tummy roll, or the lack of abs on show. 

Don’t measure yourself against these ‘perfect’ online representations of what some people think that fitness should be. What may work for them might not for you. Your goal must be special to you – something that makes you excited to achieve it. You’ve got this!

A marathon, not a sprint

Whether your goal is running 26.2 miles, or speeding up your 5k time, results won’t happen overnight. If you’re aiming to run a marathon, start with a couple of miles, a few times a week, and build up in a safe and sustainable way. The last thing you want to do is pick up an injury which sets you back. 

Set your expectations

It’s highly unlikely that with any goals you’ll have reached the summit in a few days, or even weeks. By having long-term expectations for results, you’ll see a true lifestyle change, rather than a quick fix which you get bored of. 

Build up to the big goals

Setting micro-goals is a great way to help reach your overall finish line. If you want to lose three stone, start with your goal being a 3lb loss, or even half a stone. The smaller losses, week by week, build up and enable you to reach your target. 

Likewise, if you want to bulk up, do your research, both for exercise and nutritional information, and take it slow. Your mind may be ready, but your body needs time to adapt.

Let’s make 2021 the best year yet for hitting your goals. 

As always, stay fit and healthy.


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