You can’t control the weather – so learn to love change

You can’t control the weather – so learn to love change

There is no better workout than a workout outside. Sometimes we need to be reminded that we can’t control everything. And the great British weather, time and time again, reminds us of this. If you feel like you can’t let go grab a workout outside, where you’re subject to any elements. I cannot tell you how good it feels to look skyward whilst in a yoga class and get semi-blinded by the late evening sun, or close my eyes and hear birds flush with song, or run through my local park with the first sun streaming through the trees, or find my feet wet with morning dew as I fall off my yoga mat. I feel kid-like again. Free. It reminds me that I’m alive, filled with some form of exuberant freedom. That outside is where I find my place among everything. Here’s this week’s outdoor and online classes to help you find yours.

Monday 28th June – Dumbbell Conditioning at Home – 09:30 – 10:15

Live & Online

It’s time to torch. Set alight those calories. Burn through your body’s barriers. Join Adam for a 45-minute high intensity weights class. A workout where you’ll keep burning calories long after you’ve left. If you’re short on time, but not on enthusiasm this is for you.


Adam Fung is a functional training and weightlifting guru. With a background in gymnastics, he strikes the perfect balance between building bulk, tone, and flexibility.

Tuesday 29th June – HIIT Energise – 18:00 – 18:30

Live & Online

Hit your exercise quota for the day faster with this sweat fest. HIIT is hailed as one of the most efficient workouts in the world. This one is finely tuned to re-charge your energy packs.


Coach Saima of Sunday Brunch C4 fame leads this pack. The go-to girl for bootcamps, self-improvement coaching, and transformative fitness. Check out her write-ups in Women’s Health.

Wednesday 30th June – Hump Day Booty Workout – 12:00 – 12:30

Live & Online

Midday mayhem. 30 minutes of intense and concentrated exercises to glow up your derriere. With sedentary lifestyles affecting most of us we must do more to keep the body’s biggest muscles in fine working form.  


Danielle Davison is the booty queen. Sessions are delivered with a smile and humour that’ll keep you going when it gets tough. Her mantra is ‘one day or day one’ with a belief in just getting up and going – ditch the excuses and jump in. If not now, when?

Thursday 1st July – HIIT And Run – 08:15 – 09:15

West Dulwich

Welcome to the cardio rodeo. Whether you’re chasing a new marathon PB or running away from a dark past this is the class for you. An absolute riot of sprints, spurts and speed between HIIT stations that test your endurance, strength, and mobility.


Giulia Schinzaria is a personal trainer, fitness instructor, and sports massage therapist with a Sports Science degree under her belt. As an ex handball champ in Italy, she is an excellent source of knowledge for anything to do with injury recovery and competition.

Friday 2nd July – Oops I HIIT It Again – 12:30 – 13:00

Live & Online

The 90s want their bright blue eyeshadow and low-slung flares back please. This is a HIIT class with a 90s soundtrack and attitude that Britney would approve.


Victoria Hartridge is here to motivate you to be a better version of yourself. Being in the best shape of your life will transform other areas of your life as you radiate confidence, poise, and resilience. 

Saturday 3rd July – Open Level Vinyasa Flow 10:00 11:00

Clissold Park

Slow and steady flow guaranteed to make you sweat. Hands down, the best way to kick-start your Saturday. Grab a slice of peace and quiet whilst warming your limbs and opening your heart.


Simone Topel is a free spirit. Her classes are grounded in Ashtanga, Hatha and Vinyasa with a passion for moving you toward self-inquiry and greater physical and psychological awareness.

Sunday 4th July – Morning Vinyasa Flow – 10:00 – 11:00

London Fields

60 minutes to empty your thoughts and shake off the day’s negativity. Fill that body with positivity as you move through asanas anchored together with breath work.


Camille Tenneson is a wanderlust traveller and yoga teacher. She is full of grace and gratitude for life’s smallest gifts. If you’re finding it hard to find inspiration or the get-up and go, Camile will restore hope and push you to find joy in simple exercises and routines that you can embed easily into your everyday life. Breathe in the future, exhale the past

You can book into these classes and loads more, right here.

As always, stay fit and healthy.


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